
Safety and Security


Visitors are often startled at the safety of Israel's streets, since they are accustomed to thinking of the country in terms of security problems. The streets of Tel Aviv are so safe that it is not unusual to see teenagers out late at night or women walking on their own.


This is not to say Tel Aviv does not have the usual problems of any urban center, but the rates of such crimes as pickpocketing, mugging, rape, and the like are particularly low. One should always take basic, sensible precautions (such as being careful of belongings in crowded areas; not leaving valuables unattended on the beach, etc.), but there are not great reasons for concern.


For further peace of mind, please consider and observe the following:


Security Checks: Please cooperate with the security guards examining bags and parcels at the entrances to public buildings (such as shopping centers, department stores, movie theaters, entertainment venues, etc.). It's for everyone's safety.


Do not leave belongings unattended: Keep bags and parcels in hand or right next to you. Otherwise, they might be regarded as "suspicious objects" and the police called. 


Passports: Israeli law requires that everyone carry an official picture identification. For Israelis, this means formal I.D. cards. For visitors, this means passports. If your passport is lost or stolen, you must first make a formal report at a police station (the most convenient one being on Dizengoff St., between Jabotinsky St. and Nordau Blvd.), then take a copy of the report to your embassy or consulate.


Pedestrian Safety As much as possible, cross streets at striped ["zebra"] crosswalks or at traffic signals. Note that stepping into a crosswalk obligates oncoming traffic to stop, but this is no guarantee. Caution should be exercised to assure it is indeed slowing and stopping. At the same time, it is actually against the law for drivers to stop unless the pedestrian has stepped into the crosswalk.


Don't give into the temptation of crossing a street against the light. Traffic can come from unexpected directions, since some traffic signals are timed in a special sequence to allow turns.


Black Market: The slightly better rate of exchange offered by someone sidling up on the street and offering to buy your currency isn't worthwhile if you end up with forged bills. The new Israeli shekel notes have a number of safeguards incorporated into them, including a watermark of the image on the bill and a textured area around the gold-foil denomination designation, but nothing is foolproof.


Soldiers: Once over the initial novelty of seeing armed soldiers on the buses or streets, please consider that (a) they enhance your personal security; (b) Israel doesn't have a problem of private citizens carrying hidden weapons; and (c) they're probably simply our children, siblings, or spouses on their way home.


Emergency telephone numbers:

Police: 100

Ambulance: 101

Fire: 102

Eran Emotional First Aid: 1201

Rape Crisis Center: 1202 or 517-6176

Crisis Counseling Hotline in English: 1-800-654-1111 or (02) 654-1111


Weather and Attire


The sunny and warm weather which prevails most of the year is a delight for visitors. During the summer, the weather forecasts vary only between hot and hotter; humid and more humid -- no rain.


The rainy season, when we're lucky enough to have one, may start in October and last until March or April. The true winter months are only December through mid-February. Typically, a few days of intense rain are followed by periods of fine, sunny weather, and devoted swimmers concede their morning dip only if it's thundering. So, a hat, sunscreen, sunglasses, and swimwear are handy to have regardless of the season one is visiting.


Seasons and Clothing


The bywords for attire are casual and natural fabrics; during cooler weather: layering. From the end of June through the end of September (even the beginning of October), the emphasis is on lightweight clothing. Casualness is such that, at even the most festive occasion, for example, it is perfectly acceptable for a man to wear an open-necked shirt. Daytime temperatures average in the 80s F/upper 20s C, often reaching into the 90s F/30s C. Nighttime temperatures tend to be in the upper 60s or low 70s F/20 C.


The only risk of being cold is from air conditioning. NOTE: Few places are not air conditioned. Anyone planning to take bus tours, for example, should take into account the bus may be downright cold.


During the transitional seasons (October to mid-November and March to early June), plan to "dress like an onion." Wear layers which include short-sleeved shirts under lightweight sweaters and which can be peeled off as the day grows warmer, then layered back on. Daytime temperatures are often in the upper 60s or low 70s F/20-22 C. Nighttime temperatures can get down into the 40s-50s F/10-16 C.


NOTE: These transitional seasons are characterized by interludes of weather which is extremely dry and often windy or dusty. The phenomenon is referred to as either hamsin (Arabic) or sharav (Hebrew) and is similar to the Santa Ana winds of the US West Coast, the sirocco, fuen, and the like. Since this weather involves very dry heat, care must be taken to drink a lot of water, wear a head covering when going out, and to simply avoid being outdoors during the midday period. (Those with certain allergies or respiratory problems might find these interludes exacerbate their sensitivities.)


For the so-called winter, a medium-weight jacket or raincoat over layers (shirts, sweaters) is generally sufficient. From October through June, attire for "formal" occasions is a business suit and tie for men; "after-five" attire for women. Daytime temperature can be as low as the mid-50s F/14 C (but are usually higher). It is rare for nighttime temperatures to go down to the 40s F/10 C. When planning one's visit, though, it should be borne in mind that hilly areas, such as Jerusalem, the Upper Galilee, and the Negev are cooler (at night) throughout the year and can even experience snow.



Israeli Health

Israel's high standards of health services, top-quality medical resources and research, modern hospital facilities and an impressive ratio of physicians and specialists to population are reflected in the country's low infant mortality rate (7.5 per 1,000 live births) and long life expectancy (79.1 years for women, 75.3 for men). Health care for all, from infancy to old age, is ensured by law and the national expenditure on health (8.2 percent of the GNP) compares favorably with that of other developed countries.



A Long-Standing Tradition:

In the 19th century, diseases such as dysentery, malaria, typhus and trachoma were rampant in the Land of Israel, then a backward and neglected part of the Ottoman Empire. To provide health services for the Jewish population of the Old City of Jerusalem, a number of clinics, set up by European Jewish communities, extended free medical services for those unable to pay and were famous for their dedicated care under difficult circumstances.

These clinics expanded to become hospitals: Bikur Holim (est. 1843), Misgav Ladach (est. 1888) and Shaare Zedek (est. 1902), which still function today, offering up-to-date services with modern medical technology.


The Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem, with schools of medicine, nursing and pharmacology and two modern hospitals, traces its beginning to two nurses who were sent to Jerusalem in 1913 by the Hadassah Women's Zionist Organization of America.



Health Services

The foundation of the health system, including a network of medical services for prevention, diagnosis and treatment, was laid during the pre-state period by the Jewish community and the British Mandate authorities, which administered the country during that time (1918-48). Thus when the State of Israel was established, a well-developed medical infrastructure was already functioning, immunization was standard procedure and frameworks for improving environmental conditions were operative. However, in the early years of statehood, the health services had to readdress some of the problems previously overcome in order to cope with the health needs of hundreds of thousands of refugees from postwar Europe and various Arab countries. This challenge was met through an intense national effort involving provision of special services as well as a far-reaching plan of health education and preventive medicine.

The country's population is served by an extensive medical network comprising hospitals, outpatient clinics and centers for preventive medicine and rehabilitation. Hospital care includes highly advanced procedures and techniques, from in vitro fertilization, CAT scans and complicated brain surgery to bone marrow and organ transplants. Mother-and-child care centers, for women during pregnancy and children from birth to early childhood, offer prenatal examinations, early detection of mental and physical disabilities, immunizations, regular pediatric check-ups and health education.



Administration and Structure

Responsibility for all health services lies with the Ministry of Health, which prepares legislation and oversees its implementation; controls medical standards nationwide; maintains food and drug quality standards; licenses medical personnel; promotes medical research; evaluates health services; and supervises the planning and construction of hospitals. The Ministry also acts as a public health agency for environmental and preventive medicine.


Health Personnel

Israel's approximately 27,000 physicians pursue their profession as members of hospital staffs and neighborhood clinics as well as in private practice. About half of the country's 47,000 nurses are registered (of whom 6 percent also have a university degree), while the rest are practical nurses.

Training for medical professions is offered at four medical schools, two schools of dentistry, one of pharmacology and some 20 nursing schools, four of which grant academic degrees. Courses for physiotherapists, occupational therapists and nutritionists, as well as for x-ray and laboratory technicians, are available at a number of institutions.



Health Insurance

The National Health Insurance Law provides for a standardized basket of medical services, including hospitalization, for all residents of Israel. Medical services are supplied by the country's four comprehensive health insurance schemes, which must accept all applicants regardless of age or state of health.

The main sources of funding are a monthly health insurance tax of up to 4.8 percent of income, collected by the National Insurance Institute, and employer participation in the cost of insurance for their employees. The insurance schemes are reimbursed according to a weighted average number of insured persons, calculated by age, distance of home from a health facility and other criteria determined by the Ministry of Health.


Magen David Adom, Israel's emergency medical service, provides a network of first aid stations, a nationwide blood donor program, blood banks and first aid courses, a public ambulance service, which includes intensive care units. The organization functions with the help of 4,500 volunteers, many of them high school students, who serve at some 40 branches throughout the country.



Moving to Israel.  Some envisage this as coming to a third world country.  Some think of the location, the Middle East, and think of sand dunes, camels and dusty dirt roads.


That's not the Israel of today.  Israel is a modern country with a modern infrastructure.  Cities and towns, factories and offices, telecommunications, computers, Internet service providers, cable television, hospitals, buses, trains, cars, planes, banks, real-estate agents, insurance salesmen, cellular phones, software companies, tourism companies, manufacturing companies, traffic, income tax, sales tax, government bureaucracy, it's all here.


And yes, Israel is in the Middle East, but the geography includes mountains, plains, valleys, beaches, a lake, and deserts.  A full range of environments in a very small area.


Whatever the image you may have, Israel will surprise you.  It will be quite different from what you expect.  Different environment, different culture, different ways of doing just about everything.



There are many helpful aliyah pages.   Some give you nice information about buying a stereo in Israel.  Some tell you all about the different agricultural villages in Israel.  Some give tidbits of advice but without explanation or context.  (And some do indeed have valuable insights.)


You can also get some interesting information from pamphlets given by The Jewish Agency.  They tell you about government benefits and other tidbits of data.  But they tend to be vague or leave out key pieces of info.


But none of these sources are geared towards the day-to-day living issues that face new arrivals (actually, all Israelis) and their families.  (Ok, one exception, they do give very good information about army service, which I won't cover in these pages.)


What they don't tell you is...over 30% of people making aliyah from the U.S. leave and return to the U.S. within 5 years.


Why Do Over 30% of U.S. Immigrants Leave?

Living in Israel is very different from the U.S.  It's hard to adjust.


Bad information.  Some of the available information, including official information from The Jewish Agency and from the Israeli government, is inaccurate.


Lack of information.  Most immigrants say "If I'd only known about x-x, it would have saved me significant hassle or significant money."  There are many surprises for the unwary.


All the above cause bad planning.  Changing the country you live in is a big deal (even if you do share a religious & cultural history), doing it with incomplete or inaccurate information can turn it into a nightmare


Jewish Army

Israel Defense Forces


Prayer for the Well-Being of the

Israel Defense Forces

The following prayer is recited by observant (Orthodox) Jews in Israel and all over the world during the morning Shabbat prayers, after reading the weekly Torah portion:

May He who blessed our forefathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, bless the soldiers of the Israel Defence Forces, who stand watch over our land and the cities of our Lord, from the Lebanese border to the desert of Egypt and from the great sea to the verge of the wilderness, on land, in the air, and at sea. May G-d strike down before them our enemies who rise against us. May the Holy One save and spare our soldiers from all forms of woe and distress, of affliction and illness, and may He invest their every action with blessing and success. May He vanquish by their means those who hate us, and may He adorn them with a crown of deliverance and a mantle of victory. Thus may the verse be fulfilled: "For it is the Lord your G-d who marches with you to do battle for you against your enemy, to bring you victory." Now let us respond "Amen."


The IDF, founded in 1948, ranks among the most battle-trained armed forces in the world, having had to defend the country in five major wars. Currently, the IDF's security objectives are  to defend the existence, territorial integrity and sovereignty of the State of Israel, deter all enemies and curb all forms of terrorism which threaten daily life. Its main tasks include spearheading the war against terrorism, both inside Israel and across its borders; and maintaining a deterrent capability to prevent the outbreak of hostilities.


To ensure its success, the IDF's doctrine at the strategic level is defensive, while its tactics are offensive. Given the country's lack of territorial depth, the IDF must take initiative when deemed necessary and, if attacked, to quickly transfer the battleground to the enemy's land. Though it has always been outnumbered by its enemies, the IDF maintains a qualitative advantage by deploying advanced weapons systems, many of which are developed and manufactured in Israel for its specific needs. The IDF's main resource, however, is the high caliber of its soldiers.


 In preparing for defense, the IDF deploys a small standing army (made up of conscripts and career personnel) with early warning capability, and a regular air force and navy. The majority of its forces are reservists, who are called up regularly for training and service and who, in time of war or crisis, are quickly mobilized into their units from all parts of the country.


The IDF's three service branches (ground forces, air force and navy) function under a unified command, headed by the chief-of-staff, with the rank of lieutenant-general, who is responsible to the Minister of Defense. The chief-of staff is appointed by the government, on recommendation of the prime minister and minister of defense, for a three-year term, which is usually extended for an additional year.


 Except when combat duty is involved, men and women soldiers of all ranks serve side by side as technicians, communications and intelligence specialists, combat instructors, cartographers, administrative and ordnance personnel, computer operators, doctors, lawyers and the like. The IDF is responsive to the cultural and social needs of its soldiers, providing recreational and educational activities, as well as personal support services. Recruits with incomplete educational backgrounds are given opportunities to upgrade their level of education, and career officers are encouraged to study at the IDF's expense during their service. The integration of new immigrant soldiers is facilitated through special Hebrew language instruction and other programs. Active in nation-building enterprises since its inception, the IDF also provides remedial and supplementary education to civilian populations and contributes to the absorption of newcomers among the population at large. In times of national crisis or emergency, the IDF responds immediately with appropriate action and assigns trained personnel to fill essential jobs or carry out special tasks.


Society and Service

Service in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) is a measure of involvement in the country's life. Most men and single women are inducted into the IDF at age 18, women for two years and men for three, followed by service in the reserves, men up to age 51 and single women to age 24.

 Out of respect for their community's religious commitments, Orthodox women may be exempted, although many choose to perform 1-2 years national service in the civilian sector. Most ultra-Orthodox men are granted deferments while pursuing Torah studies, and those who serve in the IDF mainly fulfill religious functions.


In essence, the society and army are one, as a broad spectrum of the population serves periodically over many years, with those in and out of uniform virtually interchangeable. Since soldiers often hold ranks not necessarily corresponding with their status in civilian life, the IDF has become a highly effective equalizer in the society and contributes greatly to integrating individuals from all walks of life. The IDF also helps new immigrants during their period of military service to acclimate to Israeli life in a framework wherein each person is undergoing the same process.


Over the years, the IDF has assumed a variety of national-social functions for the society at large; providing special services for new immigrants; upgrading educational levels of adults who were denied basic education in their countries of origin; supplying teachers to development towns; assisting in disadvantaged areas and responding to emergency situations in the civilian sector.



The Ethical Code of the IDF

 The IDF draws its values and basic principles from three traditions:

a. The tradition of the Jewish People throughout its history.


b. The tradition of the State of Israel, its democratic principles, laws and institutions.


c. The tradition of the IDF and its military heritage as the Israel Defense Forces.


The obligation to fulfill the mission and ensure military victory will be the compass guiding any effort to balance these values and basic principles of The Spirit of the IDF. The striving for proper balance according to this compass will make it possible to preserve the IDF as a body of high quality, imbued with values, and which fulfills its duties and missions appropriately.


Perseverance in Mission

The IDF serviceman will fight and conduct himself with courage in the face of all dangers and obstacles; he will persevere in his mission courageously, resolutely and thoughtfully even to the point of endangering his own life.

The perseverance of IDF servicemen in their mission is their capability and readiness to fight courageously in the face of danger and in most challenging situations; to strive unremittingly to achieve the military goal effectively, with full regard for the particular circumstances, notwithstanding any difficulty, stress or adversity or even mortal danger. They will do so with proper judgment and with due regard for risks.



The IDF serviceman will always go to the aid of his comrades when they need his help or depend on him, despite any danger or difficulty, even to the point of risking his life.

The fellowship of IDF servicemen is their bond as comrades in arms. It is their unwavering commitment to each other, their readiness to extend appropriate assistance, to go to the aid of a comrade, and even risk their lives on his behalf. In all their actions they will uphold and strengthen the solidarity of their unit in full cooperation with other units, and in support of the overall goals of the IDF.



The IDF serviceman will execute completely and successfully all that is required of him according to the letter and spirit of his orders and within the framework of the law.

The discipline of IDF servicemen is their readiness to act to the full extent of their abilities, to carry out what is demanded of them completely, according to their understanding of the letter of the orders they have received, and successfully, according to the spirit of their orders. It is their readiness to obey orders amidst a constant striving to execute them with understanding and dedication. They will take care to issue only legal orders, and disavow manifestly illegal orders.


Human Life

The IDF serviceman will, above all, preserve human life, in the recognition of its supreme value and will place himself or others at risk solely to the extent required to carry out his mission.

The sanctity of life in the eyes of the IDF servicemen will find expression in all of their actions, in deliberate and meticulous planning, in safe and intelligent training and in proper execution of their mission. In evaluating the risk to self and others, they will use the appropriate standards and will exercise constant care to limit injury to life to the extent required to accomplish the mission.



The IDF serviceman will act with complete dedication in the defense of the State of Israel and its citizens, according to IDF orders, within the framework of the laws of the State and democratic principles.

The loyalty of IDF servicemen is their dedication, in all actions, to their homeland, the State of Israel, its citizens and armed forces, and their constant readiness to fight and devote all their power, even at the risk of their own lives, in the defense of the sovereign State of Israel and the lives and the safety of its inhabitants, according to the values and orders of the IDF, while following the laws and the democratic principles of the State.


Personal Example

 The IDF serviceman will comport himself as is required of him and will, himself, act as he demands of others, thoughtfully and dedicatedly, aware of his ability and responsibility to serve as a role model to those around him.

The personal example of the IDF servicemen is their acting as is demanded of them and as they themselves demand of others, their clear and convincing readiness to serve as an example to those around them, in their actions and comportment, to create, uphold and foster mutual identification and joint responsibility in properly carrying out their tasks and accomplishing their missions in all areas of military activity.



The IDF serviceman will aspire to be familiar with and understand the body of knowledge pertaining to his military position and will master every skill necessary for carrying out his duties.

The professionalism of IDF servicemen is their ability to correctly perform their military duties through striving to constantly excel in and improve their unit's and their individual achievements. They will do so by broadening their knowledge, and increasing proficiency, based upon the lessons of experience and study of the heritage and by expanding and deepening their understanding of the body of military knowledge.


Purity of Arms

The IDF serviceman will use force of arms only for the purpose of subduing the enemy to the necessary extent and will limit his use of force so as to prevent unnecessary harm to human life and limb, dignity and property.

The IDF servicemen's purity of arms is their self­control in use of armed force. They will use their arms only for the purpose of achieving their mission, without inflicting unnecessary injury to human life or limb; dignity or property, of both soldiers and civilians, with special consideration for the defenseless, whether in wartime, or during routine security operations, or in the absence of combat, or times of peace.



The IDF serviceman will constantly see himself as a representative and an emissary of the IDF. As such he will act solely on the basis of the authority he has been given and orders he has been issued.

The representativeness of IDF servicemen is their consciousness, expressed in all their actions, that the armed force placed in their hands and the power to use it are given to them only as members of the IDF and its authorized representatives, duly executing their orders in accordance with the laws of the State of Israel and is subject to its Government.



The IDF serviceman will see himself as an active participant in the defense of his country and its citizens. He will carry out his duties decisively, resolutely and with vigor, within the limits of his authority.

The responsibility of IDF servicemen is their active partnership and their readiness to use their utmost abilities in the defense of the State, its sovereignty, and the lives and safety of its citizens, within the framework of authority granted them by the IDF. They will carry out their duties fully, diligently, and with determination, commitment and initiative, in clear awareness that they are answerable for any consequences.



The IDF serviceman will strive in all his actions to fulfill his duties correctly and at the highest professional level, from exacting and thorough preparation to true, honest, complete and precise reporting.

The trustworthiness of IDF servicemen is their reliability in fully carrying out their charge, using their military skills, with the sincere belief and conviction that they are acting professionally. They are ready at all times to present things as they are, in planning, executing and reporting truthfully, completely, courageously and honestly.


Wars in Israel


1948 War of Independence

 On 14 May 1948 the State of Israel was proclaimed according to the UN partition plan (1947). Less than 24 hours later, the regular armies of Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq invaded the country, forcing Israel to defend the sovereignty it had regained in its ancestral homeland. In what became known as Israel's War of Independence, the newly formed, poorly equipped Israel Defense Forces (IDF) repulsed the invaders in fierce intermittent fighting, which lasted some 15 months and claimed over 6,000 Israeli lives (nearly one percent of the country's Jewish population at the time).

 During the first few months of 1949, direct negotiations were conducted under UN auspices between Israel and each of the invading countries (except Iraq which has refused to negotiate with Israel to date), resulting in armistice agreements which reflected the situation at the end of the fighting. Accordingly, the coastal plain, Galilee and the entire Negev were within Israel's sovereignty, Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) came under Jordanian rule, the Gaza Strip came under Egyptian administration, and the city of Jerusalem was divided, with Jordan controlling the eastern part, including the Old City, and Israel the western sector.



1956 Sinai Campaign

The 1949 armistice agreements had not only failed to pave the way to permanent peace, but were also constantly violated. In contradiction to the UN Security Council resolution of 1 September 1951, Israeli and Israel-bound shipping was prevented from passing through the  Suez Canal; the blockade of the Straits of Tiran was tightened; incursions into Israel of terrorist squads from neighboring Arab countries for murder and sabotage occurred with increasing frequency; and the Sinai peninsula was gradually converted into a huge Egyptian military base.

Upon the signing of a tripartate military alliance by Egypt, Syria and Jordan (October 1956), the imminent threat to Israel's existence was intensified. In the course of an eight-day campaign, the IDF captured the Gaza Strip and the entire Sinai peninsula, halting 10 miles (16 km.) east of the Suez Canal. A United Nations decision to station a UN Emergency Force (UNEF) along the Egypt-Israel border and Egyptian assurances of free navigation in the Gulf of Eilat led Israel to agree to withdraw in stages (November 1956 - March 1957) from the areas taken a few weeks earlier. Consequently, the Straits of Tiran were opened, enabling the development of trade with Asian and East African countries as well as oil imports from the Persian Gulf.



1967 Six-Day War

Hopes for another decade of relative tranquillity were dashed with the escalation of Arab terrorist raids across the Egyptian and Jordanian borders, persistent Syrian artillery bombardment of agricultural settlements in northern Galilee and massive military build-ups by the  neighboring Arab states. When Egypt again moved large numbers of troops into the Sinai desert (May 1967), ordered the UN peacekeeping forces (deployed since 1957) out of the area, reimposed the blockade of the Straits of Tiran and entered into a military alliance with Jordan, Israel found itself faced by hostile Arab armies on all fronts. As Egypt had violated the arrangements agreed upon following the 1956 Sinai Campaign, Israel invoked its inherent right of self-defense, launching a preemptive strike (5 June 1967) against Egypt in the south, followed by a counterattack against Jordan in the east and the routing of Syrian forces entrenched on the Golan Heights in the north.

At the end of six days of fighting, previous cease-fire lines were replaced by new ones, with Judea, Samaria, Gaza, the Sinai peninsula and the Golan Heights under Israel's control. As a result, the northern villages were freed from 19 years of recurrent Syrian shelling; the passage of Israeli and Israel-bound shipping through the Straits of Tiran was ensured; and Jerusalem, which had been divided under Israeli and Jordanian rule since 1949, was reunified under Israel's authority.



From War to War

The war over, Israel's diplomatic challenge was to translate its military gains into a permanent peace based on UN Security Council Resolution 242,  which called for "acknowledgment of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of every state in the area and their right to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries free from threats or acts of force." However, the Arab position, as formulated at the Khartoum Summit Conference (August 1967) called for "no peace with Israel, no negotiations with Israel and no recognition of Israel." In September 1968, Egypt initiated a 'war of attrition,' with sporadic, static actions along the banks of the Suez Canal, which escalated into full-scale, localized fighting, causing heavy casualties on both sides. Hostilities ended in 1970 when Egypt and Israel accepted a renewed cease-fire along the Suez Canal.


1973 Yom Kippur War

Three years of relative calm along the borders were shattered on Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), the holiest day of the Jewish year, when Egypt  and Syria launched a coordinated surprise assault against Israel (6 October 1973), with the Egyptian army crossing the Suez Canal and Syrian troops penetrating the Golan Heights. During the next three weeks, the Israel Defense Forces turned the tide of battle and repulsed the attackers, crossing the Suez Canal into Egypt and advancing to within 20 miles (32 km.) of the Syrian capital, Damascus. Two years of difficult negotiations between Israel and Egypt and between Israel and Syria resulted in disengagement agreements, according to which Israel withdrew from parts of the territories captured during the war.


1982 Operation Peace for Galilee

The international boundary line with Lebanon has never been challenged by either side. However, when the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)  redeployed itself in southern Lebanon after being expelled from Jordan (1970) and perpetrated repeated terrorist actions against the towns and villages of northern Israel (Galilee), which caused many casualties and much damage, the Israel Defense Forces crossed the border into Lebanon (1982). "Operation Peace for Galilee" resulted in removing the bulk of the PLO's organizational and military infrastructure from the area. Since then, Israel has maintained a small security zone in southern Lebanon adjacent to its northern border to safeguard its population in Galilee against continued attacks by hostile elements.

The Jewish Holocaust

In 1933 approximately nine million Jews lived in the 21 countries of Europe that would be occupied by Germany during the war. By 1945 two out of every three European Jews had been killed.


The Holocaust was the systematic, bureaucratic annihilation of six million Jews by the Nazi regime and their collaborators as a central act of state during World War II. The destruction of European Jewry stands as the archetype of genocide in human history.

Six million Jews were killed simply because they were Jews.


Where was G-d during the Holocaust?


"The element that distinguishes the Holocaust was the search for G-d. From morning till night we cried out for a sign that G-d was still with us... We sought Him, but we did not find Him. We were always accompanied by the crushing and unsettling feeling that G-d had disappeared from our midst." Testimony of Holocaust Survivor.


The Holocaust in the Torah


 To find about the Holocaust in the Torah, look into Dvarim (Deuteronomy) 31:16-18. Take the letter "Hei" from the word "Moshe" and count 49 letters. Take the next letter, the "Shin" from the word "Shama." Count another 49 letters, and then take the "Vav", count 49 letters again and take the "Alef", count again and take the "Hei." These letters spell "HaShoah" (The Holocaust).


This is the translation of the text where "HaShoah" was found:


"G-d said to Moses: When you go and lie with your ancestors, this nation shall rise up and stray after the alien gods of the land into which they are coming. They will thus abandon Me and violate the covenant that I have made with them. I will then display anger and abandon them. I will hide My face from them and they will be [their enemies'] prey. Beset by many evils and troubles, they will say, "It is because my G-d is no longer with me that these evils have befallen me." On that day I will utterly hide My face because of all the evil that they have done in turning to alien gods."

Dvarim (Deuteronomy) 31:16-18


Never Again!!!


History shows that every time the Jews stray away from their religion, anti-Jewish hatred increases.  If the Jews forget they are Jewish, the non-Jews will surely remind them. 6 millions Jews were murdered during the Holocaust. This number includes 1.5 million Jewish children. Since 1945, over 6 million Jews have assimilated and over 1.5 million abortions have been performed in the State of Israel.


Never Again???


Those who forget history are condemned to repeat it. Violent Neo-Nazi activity and Arab hatred towards the Jews is rapidly increasing in the world today. This is not a coincidence. Only a strong Jewish education for every single Jew, for every Jewish family, in every Jewish community in the world, can prevent tragedy from ever happening again.



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